原文:No Meetings, No Deadlines, No Full-Time Employees (sahillavingia.com)
- 如果把所有为 Gumroad 工作的人算进来,一共是25人
- 如果只算全职员工,答案是 0 ,甚至连我也不是
- How do we decide what to work on?“At the end of the day there’s a lot of emotion that goes into Gumroad, that’s not dissimilar from an art project. We sometimes pick what’s fun and feels good to work on! We love listening to creators! We don’t do tons of data analysis to decide what’s worth working on.”
- How do we communicate?“Turn off all notifications from your phone!”
- What does working at Gumroad feel like?“We ship incrementally, iteratively, and have one massive tentpole launch a year. Every month we see how much creators got paid, then we move on. The journey is the fun part, we’re not waiting to arrive at some destination.”
- What’s not so good at Gumroad?“There’s not a lot of room for growth. We’re staying profitable, and not planning to double the team every year. While there will likely be a few leadership roles, there aren’t plenty of them and they aren’t built into the career path of working at Gumroad.”
我爱 Gumroad (而且我靠它生活),我喜欢做产品,我觉得我可以当你们的产品经理,我每天能花在这件事上面的时间差不多是 2 个小时,但是我可以保证每天。不知道行不行,但我觉得如果我能找个像这样的工作,那只能是在 gumroad 🙂
- 填写申请表单
- 做一项无偿的,数小时的挑战,类似于我们在 Gumroad 所做的事情,包括拆分需求,做产品设计,写文档说明等等
- 一个有偿的,为期几周的试用期,类似于我们在Gumroad进行的日常工作。这可能包括修复错误,发布功能或回答支持通知单
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